Medical Assisting With ECG Program


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A Modular Program is a complete body of prescribed subjects or studies that is divided into periods of
instruction approximately four weeks in length.

Diploma Program -10 Months
880 Clock Hours
20-Hour Weeks

In recent years the Medical Assisting profession has become indispensable to the Health Care field. Not only have physicians become more dependent on Medical Assistants, but their services are also being utilized by hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. Medical Supply businesses, Home Health agencies, Insurance companies, and Pharmaceutical companies also hire Medical Assistants. The Medical assistant who has a national certification in ECG is preferred in a cardiology office. They are able to work in a telemetry unit. They are fast becoming an important part of the Health Care team as their responsibilities continue to expand and the need for their services grows.

The objective of the Medical Assisting with Electrocardiography Program is to provide graduates with the skills and knowledge that will enable them qualify for entry-level positions as Medical Assistants. Since they are trained in both administrative and clinical procedures, Medical Assistants are capable of filling a variety of entry-level positions, including, but not limited to Clinical or Administrative Assistant, Medical Receptionist and Medical Insurance Billing Specialist.

This training program is divided into eight learning units called Modules. Students must complete Modules 1, 2 and 3, not necessarily in that order, and then continue into Modules 4, 5, 6 and 7. If students do not complete any portion of one of these Modules, the entire Module must be repeated. Upon successful completion of Modules 1 through 7. Students will now participate in an 8 week program where they will be trained on Electrocardiography (Modules 8 and 9). This course will expose the students to Electrocardiography, Holter Monitor and Exercise Electrocardiography.

Students will then participate in the 160 clock-hour Externship, which is the 10th Module.

On completion of the Medical Assisting with Electrocardiography Program, a diploma is awarded. Also, the graduate is eligible to take the Nationally-registered Certified Medical Assistant Examination (NR-CMA) and National Electrocardiography Certification Examination (NECE).

Program Outline

Course NumberCourse TitleLecture HoursLab HoursExtern Hours
Module A
Patient Care & Communication Integumentary and Nervous Systems3200
Clinical Laboratory0320
Introduction to Computers, Keyboarding880
Module B
Pharmacology, Minor office Surgery & Disease Transmission and Muscular Sys.3200
Clinical Laboratory0320
Module C
Medical Insurance, Management & Digestive Systems3200
Clinical Laboratory0320
Introduction to Insurance, EHR.880
Module D
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems & EKG3200
Clinical Laboratory0320
Word Processing, Medisoft.880
Module E
Clinical Laboratory Procedures3200
Clinical Laboratory0320
MC502Patient Billing, Keyboarding.880
Module F
Endocrinology & Reproduction3200
Clinical Laboratory0320
Medical Insurance Billing, Keyboarding800
Module G
Therapeutic Care and Muscular/Skeletal Systems3200
Clinical Laboratory0320
Career Development1600
Module X
Advanced Electrocardiography
Clinical Laboratory0320
Keyboarding / Medisoft office880
Arrhythmia Recognition, Patient Care and, Specialized Procedures3200
Keyboarding / Medisoft office880
Program Total368352160

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions include the course number, title, synopsis, a listing of the lecture/theory hours, laboratory or Externship hours, and credit units. For example, the listing “40/0” indicates that the course consists of 40 hours of lecture/theory and 0 hours of laboratory.

LB101 Clinical Laboratory

In this course, students apply theories of examination assisting by positioning, draping, charting, scheduling, and records management. Setting up of Trays for complete Physical Examination Students practice bandaging techniques and the correct use of Biohazard waste containers. Students check visual acuity, practice invasive procedures, and check vital signs and blood pressure.

Prerequisite: None

LB201 Clinical Laboratory

In this course, students apply theories of minor office surgery by using the autoclave, setting up surgery trays, practicing sterile techniques, and using asepsis. Students perform dosage calculations for medication administration. Students learn inventory control techniques. Students practice invasive procedures, and check vital signs and blood pressure.

Prerequisite: None

LB301 Clinical Laboratory

In this course, Learn how to apply basic Theories of bookkeeping, bank procedures Reconciling Accounts and Pay roll. Students learn how to fill the CMS 1500 form and HIPAA in details. Students are have hands on Training on Electronic Health Record. Students practice invasive procedures, and check vital signs and blood pressure.

Prerequisite: None

LB401 Clinical Laboratory

In this course, students apply theories of Cardiology by correctly setting up, running, and mounting an EKG tracing. Students will be introduced to Pulmonary Function testing techniques and practice the correct use of Nebulae. Students practice CPR techniques on mannequins. Students practice invasive procedures, and check vital signs and blood pressure.

Prerequisites: LB101, 201, 301

LB501 Clinical Laboratory

In this course, students will apply theories of clinical laboratory assisting by collecting and labeling specimens. Students are introduced to the basics of a microscope and its functions. Students practice different urinalysis techniques, routine hematology skills, and blood chemistry procedures. Students practice invasive procedures, and check vital signs and blood pressure.

Prerequisites: LB101, 201, 301

LB601 Clinical Laboratory

In this course, students will apply theories of OB/GYN tray set up and examination assisting. Students practice Pediatric Assisting and restraint techniques. Students practice invasive procedures, and check vital signs and blood pressure.

Prerequisites: LB101, 201, 301

LB701 Clinical Laboratory

In this course, students apply theories of therapeutic techniques and modalities. Students learn how to position patients properly for ultrasound treatment, Electroneurostimulation, and traction. Students practice invasive procedures, and check vital signs and blood pressure.

Prerequisites: LB101, 201, 301

MA101 Patient Care and Communication

This course emphasizes patient care. Students develop skills in records management, telephone techniques, and interpersonal communications. Students receive Anatomy and Physiology lectures on the Integumentary System, the Senses and the Nervous System. Students are introduced to OSHA regulations.

Prerequisite: None

MA201 Pharmacology and Disease Transmission

Anatomy and physiology of the Muscular System is discussed in this Course. This course stresses the importance of asepsis and sterile technique in today’s health care environment. Basic bacteriology and its relationship to infection and disease control are presented. Students are introduced to basic pharmacology and learn the principles of administering medication.

Prerequisite: None

MA301 Medical Insurance, Management and Digestive Systems

Topics discussed in this course include the structure and function of the human digestive system. The various types of medical insurance and Billing Codes are discussed in this course. Banking Procedures are also discussed. The medical management portion of this course focuses on bookkeeping, collections, and payroll procedures essential to the medical office. Equipment and supplies ordered for the medical office are identified, and students learn their proper care and storage.

Prerequisite: None

MA401 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems

This course examines the circulatory and respiratory systems including the structure and function of the heart and lungs. The electrical pathways of the heart muscle are studied as a basis for electrocardiograph (EKG). Students are given a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) course.

Prerequisite: MA101, 201, 301

MA501 Clinical Procedures

This course introduces laboratory procedures commonly performed in a physician’s office. Students learn about specimen labeling, collection, handling, and transportation procedures. Basic hematology and the procedures used in microbiology and bacteriology tests are covered. Coverage of the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic and urinary systems and procedures for performing different types of urinalysis are included.

Prerequisite: MA101, 201, 301

MA601 Endocrinology and Reproduction

Endocrinology and male and female reproduction are taught in this course. The theory of pediatrics, obstetrics, and gynecological examination techniques are also covered in this course.

Prerequisite: MA101, 201, 301

MA701 Therapeutic Care and Skeletal Systems

In this course, students learn about the basic techniques, equipment and modalities used in therapeutic medicine. Skeletal structures of the body as they relate to therapeutic care are covered.

Prerequisite: MA101, 201, 301

MA801 Advanced Electrocardiography

The anatomy of the heart and Circulatory system is taught in depth in this course. The electro conduction pathway of the Heart is also taught. The history of ECG, the Einthoven triangle, the ECG paper and calculation of the heart rate using the ECG paper is taught. The ECG machine and possible
artifacts and trouble shooting is also taught in this course.

Prerequisite: MA101, 201, 301,401

MA901 Arrhythmia Recognition, Patient Care and, Specialized Procedures

Interpretation of ECG is taught in this Course. Specialized procedures such as Exercise Electrocardiography, Holter Monitor and Tran telephonic monitor is also taught.

Prerequisite: MA101, 201, 301, 401, 801

MA1001 Externship

Upon successful completion of modules 1 through 9, medical assisting students participate in a 160-hour
Externship at an approved facility.

The Externship enables students to work with patients and apply the principles and practices learned in the classroom. Externs work under the direct supervision of qualified personnel in participating institutions and under the supervision of a person with appropriate instructor credentials. Externs are evaluated by supervisory personnel at 80 and 160-hour intervals, and the evaluations are placed in the students’ permanent record. Medical assisting students must successfully complete their Externship to fulfill requirements for graduation.

Prerequisite: LB101-LB701 MA101-MA701 MC102-MC701

MC102 Introduction to Computers

This course introduces the computer and information processing. Students are introduced to what a computer is, how it works, and how it is used in solving problems. This course is also designed to teach students the keyboard by the touch system and to improve keyboarding skill and accuracy.

Prerequisite: None

MC202 Keyboarding

This course is designed to improve keyboarding speed and accuracy. Emphasis is placed on using proper
keyboarding techniques.

Prerequisite: MC102

MC302 Introduction to Insurance

This course is designed to provide hands-on introduction to basic commands of word processing application software for the PC. The student will learn to create, edit, and manipulate documents using a popular PC word processing software package.

Prerequisite: MC102, MC202

MC402 Word Processing

This course provides students with current insurance terminology applicable to various insurance company providers, patients, computerized systems, and administrative services.

Prerequisite: MC102, 202, 302

MC502 Patient Billing

This course introduces the application of billing techniques, delinquent claims, credit and collections, legal issues affecting insurance claims, and medical records.

Prerequisite: MC102, 202, 302

MC602 Medical Insurance Coding

This course is designed to introduce the student to the fundamentals of the ICD-9 and CPT-4 coding systems.

Prerequisite: MC102, 202, 302

MC701 Career Development

This course is designed to provide practical applications of job hunting, résumé writing, interviewing, setting employment objectives and career goals, networking, and effective communication. Mock interviews are also included in this course.

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